What can children with additional needs expect on transition from nursery or pre-school setting to primary school?

If your child has not yet attended an educational setting, it will be really important for you to contact the school, and explain to them the nature of your child's needs in advance, so that the school can be aware and make the appropriate planning before your child is admitted.

If the Family and Setting Support Team (FASS Team) has been involved, they will support the transition of your child into school. If you have reports from other professionals, such as speech and language therapists, then it is important to keep them safe and take them into school so that the SENCo or teacher can be aware of any difficulties that might need support.

The Early Years team work closely with all the Early Years providers and professionals across the city to ensure that children with special needs receive the support they need, particularly on transition into school.

Some children may have been in receipt of additional support whilst attending their pre-school setting. Where this is the case the Early Years Access and Inclusion Officer (EYAIO) will liaise with all agencies involved to arrange/support transition meetings and a transition plan for the child on an individual basis. Each plan will be unique to fit the needs of the child and may include a number of additional visits to the school prior to their starting date.

They can be contacted on - 01482 300 300

If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, parents can make a preference for a particular school they wish their child to attend. The Local Authority (Hull City Council) will then consult with the school and the EYAIO will liaise with the school, setting, parents and other agencies to ensure a smooth transition takes place.

All children moving on to primary school from a pre-school setting will have an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) transition document. Children with special needs will also have a Special Educational Needs (SEN) Transition document which will be shared with parents and handed over to school. This sets out who has been involved with the child, targets the child has been working on, any special requirements they may have and how their difficulties may impact on them in their setting.