Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle

The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 promotes the use of the ‘assess, plan, do, review cycle’.

This cycle can be used to meet the needs of children/young people and improve practice at many levels ensuring that:

  • individual children/young people at SEN support and those with an EHC plan receive the best possible provision and achieve positive outcomes
  • SEN provision made by an educational setting evolves to meet the needs of all children/young people with SEN
  • the EHC needs assessment, planning and review processes support children/young people, their families and educational setting

Evidencing the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle - for individual children and young people 

Assess - clear analysis is made of needs based on:

  • views of the child/young person and their parents / carers
  • teacher assessments and observations
  • pupil’s current attainment
  • pupil’s previous progress and attainment
  • tracking of progress and comparisons with national data
  • assessments by external agencies if appropriate.

Plan - following assessment, the teacher, SENCO, parent / carers and pupil, agree on a plan of action to include:

  • time limited outcomes for the pupil
  • the adjustments, support and interventions to be put in place
  • a date for review

All planning must be pupil centred and outcomes focused and recorded.

Do - all the pupil’s teachers and support staff are made aware of the plan and implement the adjustments, support and interventions.  Teachers are responsible for:

  • differentiating and personalising the curriculum
  • delivery of ‘additional and different’ provision  for a pupil with SEN
  • planning, support and impact measurement of all group and one-to-one interventions delivered by support staff
  • linking interventions to classroom teaching

The SENCO supports teachers in the effective implementation of provision

Review - the quality, effectiveness and impact of provision is evaluated by the review date.

This includes sharing information with pupil and parent/carers and seeking their views.

The cycle then starts again at assess with the updated needs of the pupil being considered before planning a continuation of or change to provision.

A template for recording the cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review can be found here -

HCC APDR template final version July 18.docx

Using the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle –  to inform whole school developments and update the school SEN Information Report

Every school must publish an SEN Information Report (see SEND Code of Practice 6.79 – 6.83 p106 - 107) 

This document must be dated and updated annually.  This is an ideal time for each school to:

  • review the provision that has been made over the last year
  • assess the changes that need to be made to provision
  • plan for the coming year
  • recording what the school will do.