Spring Cottage Primary ASD Resource Base - Springboard

Springboard ASD Resource Base successfully opened its doors in September.  It is a ten place Resourced Base Provision for KS1 and KS2 pupils with a diagnosis of Autism. All pupils have an Educational and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and places are allocated by the Hull SEND team.  Within Springboard there are two classrooms, sensory room, relaxation area, quiet playground and garden area. 

The children from all over the city have settled well into life at Spring Cottage and have an enjoyable first term getting to know each other and their new school.  They have had fun being involved in a variety of aspects of school life such as completing sensory circuits, attending music lessons and friendship groups, baking, cooking, gardening and playing and learning with their mainstream peers both inside and outside the classroom. 

Outside agencies have commented how well the children have settled and how amazed they are at the positive interactions between the children and their new Springboard class.

three children playing in a classroom
two children baking, stirring a bowl with a wooden spoon