Creative Mindfulness for Children (EYFS)

Lesson Four – Everything Belongs

Aim – To help children understand that all our thoughts and feelings are ok.


Set the scene – see Lesson One

Make sure everyone is sat comfortably, including yourself.

The session should start with a signifier. I choose to use a sound (chimes or singing bowl) as it gets their attention and signifies it’s time for something new or different. Invite the children to close their eyes but they don’t have to if they don’t want to (be trauma aware). Instead they could lower their gaze, put up hand, stand up etc. Ask them to listen to the sound and when it stops open their eyes/raise their gaze, put hand down, sit down.


Practice mindful breathing. You could use a breathing ball or fan (see video) or simply use a feather to blow on or just by placing your hands on your tummy.


Recap on previous lessons – The Mind Jar/Bottle, Breathing Buddy, Monkey Mind.

At this point you may wish to stop the video and talk to the children about their busy, monkey minds. Help them reflect on their environment - Where were you? What was happening? What thoughts/feelings were you having? What were you feeling in your body? They may need a lot of modelling or prompting at this stage so pictures/props are good to use (see video).

The props are the language the children use to express what is going on in their mind and how they are managing their thoughts and feelings. It is important to continually refer to them to embed a mindful practice so they don’t just ‘do mindfulness’ when it’s the planned session.

Share your own experiences since last time before inviting them to share theirs. This is authentic modelling. Share what you did about it.


Breathing exercise – introduce hand breathing (see video)


Feelings Cards (bought or make own so each child can have a set)

Talk about each feeling card by asking - Does anyone know what different types of feelings we have?

Now expand on the most familiar feelings by starting with a lesser discussed feeling e.g. Shy Cecil and ask

  • Does anybody know what shy means?
  • Can anybody tell me a time that they felt shy?

Remember – give your own example before inviting children to talk about their own and that they never have to share, it is always optional.

Repeat for 6 or 8 cards – shy, worried, excited, happy, angry, sad, frightened, embarrassed

Ask and discuss

  • What is your favourite feeling to have?
  • When do you get that feeling?
  • What feeling don’t you like having and why?
  • When do you get a visit from that feeling?
  • Are there any good or bad feeling?

No – all of our feelings are ok to have, everything belongs

Recap on each card – It’s ok to get a visit from ……..

Is it ok to feel angry? Yes, it’s ok to feel angry but is it ok to hurt someone if we feel angry? Is it ok to hit someone or say mean things?

NO – make the distinction between the feeling and the behaviour. This will help them recognise the feeling. By introducing these mindfulness practices we are giving them the tools to manage their feelings when they arise or come to visit.

We might not have a choice when the feeling comes to visit but we do have a choice what we do about it.



Set up the environment. Ring the bell to start. Practice stretching, balloon breathing. Ring the bell to finish.

Guided meditation 4 - Feelings 

Activity – Everything belongs Heart

Each child to cut out a heart shape on paper or card. Decorate using different colours (crayons, paper, materials, glitter, stickers etc) to represent all the different feelings they have had that day.

These could be used as a display with the title ‘At (setting name) All Our Feelings Belong’ or keep in their individual mindful resources bag or basket.

Discuss that all our feelings are ok to have and it’s important that we talk about our feelings, tell someone and that we don’t keep them in. 

Model first then invite them to share if they want to - Who do you talk to about your feelings? Who would you tell?

Everything belongs heart template here

Introduce 5 people to talk to

Count on fingers to show 5 people you could talk to about your feelings

  • Someone you live with
  • Someone in another house you visit
  • Someone in school
  • A friend
  • Someone else

This will need modelling by you sharing your 5 people. Some children may need prompting to begin with.



Repeat another mindful breathing exercise, the children could choose which one.

Finish with a sound to signify the end of the session.

Discuss with the children how they feel in their mind, heart and body


Created by Louise Shanagher

(Children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology lecturer)

Accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance (IMMA)

Alison Scott

Early Years Standards and Improvement Officer

Hull City Council (01482) 613 598