Creative Mindfulness for Children (EYFS)

Lesson Seven - Gratitude

Aim – To encourage children to practise gratitude


Set the scene – see Lesson One

Make sure everyone is sat comfortably, including yourself.

The session should start with a signifier. I choose to use a sound (chimes or singing bowl) as it gets their attention and signifies it’s time for something new or different. Invite the children to stand up then sit down when the sound stops.

Mini Mindfulness Moments – Hot chocolate breathing – see video

Recap on previous lessons (The Mind Jar/Bottle, Breathing Buddy, Monkey Mind, Everything Belongs, Worry Buddy)

Talk about feelings that you and they have had since the last session using feelings puppets/cards. Ask ‘Is it ok to have these feelings visit?’ Explain yes it is, as everything belongs in our hearts.

Discuss what we can do to help – our breathing. When we do our breathing does it make our mind more busy or calm?


Does anyone know what being grateful means? Being grateful means thinking about the good things in our lives and the things that make us happy.

Give own example then invite them to talk about what they are grateful for/feel happy about, but only if they want to. Remember to talk about how it feels in their head, heart and body.

Mini Mindfulness MomentsInvite children to close their eyes. Can they notice a sound from themselves, inside the room and outside the room? Share own experience.

This repetition of mini mindfulness moments is helping to build connections in the brain that support focus and attention.

Guided Meditation

Stretching Exercise and Balloon Breathing

Read out Gratitude meditation Guided Meditation - Meditation 6 - Gratitude Meditation.pdf

Ring bell to signify the end

Creative Activity – Gratitude Tree

Make a gratitude tree using a branch decorated with ribbons, hearts and/or leaves. Invite children to write, draw or use printed pictures that they are happy about/ grateful for. This might include a thing, person, place, something they do, a memory or a pet etc. You could make a large class tree where everyone contributes or smaller individual ones.

Talk about how being grateful/happy makes them feel in their head, heart and body.



Repeat another mindful breathing exercise, the children could choose which one.

Finish with a sound to signify the end of the session.

Discuss with the children how they feel in their mind, heart and body


created by Louise Shanagher

(Children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology lecturer)

Accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance (IMMA)

Alison Scott

Early Years Standards and Improvement Officer

Hull City Council Tel: (01482) 613 598