Creative Mindfulness for Children (EYFS)

Lesson Eight – All About Me

Aim – To increase children’s self-awareness and encourage children to express their thoughts and emotions


Set the scene – see Lesson One

Make sure everyone is sat comfortably, including yourself.

The session should start with a signifier. Introduce different sounds and invite the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and say which one you played.


Mini Mindfulness Moments – Hot Air Balloon breathing – see video

Recap on previous lessons (The Mind Jar/Bottle, Breathing Buddy, Monkey Mind, Everything Belongs, Worry Buddy)

Talk about feelings that you and they have had since the last session using all or some of the props above including feelings puppets/cards. Ask ‘Is it ok to have these feelings visit?’ Explain yes it is, as everything belongs in our hearts.

Discuss what we can do to help – our breathing. When we do our breathing does it make our mind more busy or calm?


Mini Mindfulness Moments54321

Invite children to say 5 things they can see, 4 things they can hear, 3 things they can touch, 2 things they can smell, 1 thing thy can taste.

This repetition of mini mindfulness moments is helping to build connections in the brain that support focus and attention.

Guided Meditation

Stretching Exercise and Balloon Breathing

Read out Rainbow meditation Guided Meditation - Meditation 7 - Rainbow Meditation (1).pdf

Ring bell to signify the end


Creative Activity – All About Me Book

Each child to make an All About Me book that can be added to. I suggest only doing one or two pages at a time. They could write, draw or stick in pictures or photos.

Talk about what feelings they had on that day and add these to the page, maybe use emoji stickers. Discuss that sharing our feelings helps our minds feel calmer and makes us more relaxed and happy inside.

You could also encourage parents to use these at home with their children.


Repeat another mindful breathing exercise, the children could choose which one.

Finish with a sound to signify the end of the session.

Discuss with the children how they feel in their mind, heart and body


created by Louise Shanagher

(Children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology lecturer)

Accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance (IMMA)

Alison Scott

Early Years Standards and Improvement Officer

Hull City Council (01482) 613 598