Creative Mindfulness for Children (EYFS)


Lesson Ten – Wishing Well

Aim – Encourage children to wish each other well

Set the scene – see Lesson One

Make sure everyone is sat comfortably, including yourself.

The session should start with a signifier and a listening exercise e.g. invite children to put up their hand when the sounds stops or to distinguish between two different sounds.


Mini Mindfulness Moments – Feather breathing


Recap on previous lessons (The Mind Jar/Bottle, Breathing Buddy, Monkey Mind, Everything Belongs, Worry Buddy, Gratitude Tree, All About Me Book, Cup of Sunshine)

Talk about feelings that you and they have had since the last session using all or some of the props above including feelings puppets/cards. Ask ‘Is it ok to have these feelings visit?’ Explain yes it is, as everything belongs in our hearts.

Discuss what we can do to help – our breathing. When we do our breathing does it make our mind more busy or calm?


Mini Mindfulness MomentsFeather Focus

Give our monkey mind the job of focussing on the feather. Notice how it feels on your cheek, back of the hand. Is there any sound? Can you notice the colours in the feather and any shapes? Are you still noticing the feather? If not, jump your monkey mind back. Breathe in and out and watch the feather move.

Check in how you feel in your head, heart and body.

This repetition of mini mindfulness moments is helping to build connections in the brain that support focus and attention.


Kindness to Others

Ask – Do you think it is important to be kind to others? Do you know how we can be kind to others? What things can we do to be kind to others?

Model ways that you are kind to others e.g. by listening to them, helping them, sharing with them or including them.



Creative Activity – Wishing Well

One way we can be kind to others is by making kind wishes for them.

Make a class wishing well that you can put wishes in for other people. You may also like to add a wishing wand.

Provide cut out stars for children to create their wishes using pictures, drawings or writing.

When putting the wishes into the wishing well, children do not have to say what each wish is.

Talk about how it feels in our head, heart and body when we make kind wishes.


Guided Meditation

Ring bell to signify the start

Stretching Exercise and Balloon Breathing

Read out Loving Kindness meditation (see handout)

Ring bell to signify the end




Repeat another mindful breathing exercise, the children could choose which one.

Finish with a sound to signify the end of the session.

Discuss with the children how they feel in their mind, heart and body



created by Louise Shanagher

(Children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology lecturer)

Accredited by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance (IMMA)



Alison Scott

Early Years Standards and Improvement Officer

Hull City Council (01482) 613598