Hull Local Offer – You said ….. We did


You told us that the SEN transport criteria on the Home to School Transport page was incorrect and provided the correct information. You told us that the information was unlawful.


We passed your concerns on to the Transport lead who responded -  the page is an overview of the home to school transport service, which can be accessed by parents/carers.  As the detail and legal elements are included within the policy there are no current plans to extract any further information from the policy.  The page is not displaying anything which is not legal.  Parents/carers can access the link to the policy for them to read and gain in full a wider understanding of their child's entitlement and the LA responsibility in line with DfE guidance.


You told us that you could not find a list of different provision for post 16 for children with severe needs? 


We recreated the Becoming an adult section which included opportunities for those with severe needs. We are working with parents to check the information and have plans to work with young people in January 2021 to ensure the information is what they want to see and accessible. Feedback from Hull Parent's Forum parents was extremely positive. Find the page here.


You told us that the wording on the Sensory Processing service page was too difficult to understand with too much medical terminology, not very parent friendly.

We fed this back to the Sensory Processing service who produced new information that was easier to read. Parents agreed that this was much better and they felt listened to. Find Sensory Processing information here.


You told us that to make the website look more 'live' could we add a live feed to our Facebook page.


We added a live feed to our Facebook page on the rolling banner on the main page of the website.


Feedback from the COVID Send Survey - you told us that some telephone numbers were incorrect and search function brought up irrelevant results


We sent emails to all services on the Local Offer website asking them to check details. The information officer continues to review each section on a monthly rolling basis, emails services 4 times a year and the new Local Offer Development Group can discuss ways to check that entries are accurate and up to date. The search function has always been problematic and work is done weekly to improve this.


You told us that you could not find the information on the Local Offer website relating to the Coronavirus pandemic and felt the picture used was not clear.

The picture was changed to be more specific - The Coronavirus Outbreak FAQ and promoted on social media.


Task 1 of the Local Offer Development Group a parent told us that there was a lot of irrelevant information when searching for Autism services. These were listed on the Development Group feedback form. (March 2020)


The information officer worked through the form, deleting some services and adding others, linking organisations who provide services for people with autism.  The aim is to only bring up relevant useful search results for 'autism'


Task 1 of the Local Offer Development Group a parent told us that we did not have information on the website Ambitious about Autism which they believed was an excellent resource (March 20)


The information officer added information and a link to the website and available on the search results for 'autism'. Ambitious about Autism website


At the initial Local Offer Development Group meeting you told us that more professionals needed to know about the Local Offer and suggested LinkedIn. (Feb 2020)

The Information Officer now uses LinkedIn website to promote the Local Offer and share information. An Instagram account has also been created but more work need to be done to promote this.


At the initial Local Offer Development Group meeting you told us that we needed to add information on DLA, ESA and PIP (Feb 2020)

We found out the necessary information and added to this page in the MONEY area of the website



A parent told us they could not find EHCP Banding information on the website (16/06/20)

We pointed out the area of the website which held the information here and realised that it was quite difficult to find so added it to the EHCP Useful Documents here and directed search for 'banding' to this page to improve accessibility.

A young person told us they would like information on driving lessons for people with autism (11/02/20)

We created a new section 'Learning to Drive' and added useful information. We asked people via social media to take a look and let us know if anything else could be added.

You told us that the local offer was missing information on the Carers Card (04/02/20)

We found information on the Carers Card and added it to the Local Offer website here. Carers Card Information

You told us in December 2019 that you would like to be involved in developing the Local Offer website

We took names and organised an initial meeting of the Local Offer Development Group on 4 February 2020. As a result of that meeting we have a list of actions and a plan was made to send tasks out to check content and identify gaps. The first task went out on 17 February regarding 'autism'. Tasks will be sent out every 3 months. If you want to be involved please let me know by emailing