Funding Arrangements

Funding arrangements for learners with SEND operates on a place-plus approach.

High needs learners are defined as those requiring over £10,000 per year to meet their special educational needs and/or disabilities. This additional funding is generally referred to as “Element 3” or “top-up” funding. Element 3 funding is a sum of money specific to a learner and the funding must follow learners when they move during the year.


Funding for high needs pupils (namely those with an EHCP) comprises of three elements:

Element 1: Funding per pupil at a school (AWPU – Age Weighted Pupil Unit) – each school will receive an amount to fund a place at the school.

Element 2: Additional learning support funding – each school will be expected to provide support to meet the additional requirements of a child/young person who would benefit from this.

Element 3: Top up funding from the commissioner to meet the assessed needs of individual learners, based on the city’s banding guidance.

Element 3 funding comes from the High Needs Block which is delegated to settings, by the Local Authority, based on the learners needs as assessed through the statutory process.

Element 3 funding is provided to local authorities through the high needs block of the dedicated schools grant (DSG). The DSG is divided into four notional blocks:

  • the schools block
  • the high needs block
  • the central school services block (which allocates funding to local authorities for their ongoing responsibilities towards both maintained schools and academies)
  • the early years block.

Each of the four blocks of the DSG are determined by a separate national funding formula.

Element 3 funding is decided for learners with an EHC Plan by a Moderating Group, and is based on local banding arrangements.

The funding bands are currently set at 4 levels:

  • High
  • Severe
  • Intensive
  • Intensive Plus

The level of funding assigned to a learner is set out in the banding guidance below which outlines the descriptors of need and the provisions at each level.  

Hull Banding Guidance.doc


The government guidance below describes how the high needs funding system works for all types of provision.

High Needs Funding Operation Guide 2021 -2022.pdf

High Needs Funding Operation Guide 2022-2023