Visual Impairment (VI)


Visual difficulties may include recognised visual conditions leading to loss of visual acuity. These may be relatively minor as well as others which are profound or severe. There are a small number of children who are registered blind. It is important to be aware that one or both eyes may be affected. Peripheral vision may be an issue. Visual perception skills or 3D vision may also be affected. 

All visual impairments must be treated on an individual basis as children use the vision they have in different ways. A young person may have a mild reduction in visual acuity (the ability to distinguish details and shapes of objects) but be functioning within a more severe category due to an additional ophthalmic condition e.g. nystagmus, visual field loss, cerebral visual impairment.

For some children their visual impairment (VI) may not be their primary need. It may add to and compound other difficulties they have.

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Useful websites/sources of advice and guidance

Support for VI Learners

Royal National Institute of Blind People

Royal Society for Blind Children

Calibre Audio

Macular Society - General Tips for Teaching VI Students