Education, Health and Care Plan: assessment

Weeks 6-15

If it is determined to proceed to assessments of a child/young person’s EHC needs, the SEND Assessment & Review Team will write out to any professionals involved to request advice and reports on the child/young person. There will also be enquiries with social care and health services to ensure that social care and health needs are identified.

The EHC Moderating Group will consider all reports and advice received.  The EHC Moderating Group will have regard to the SEND Code of Practice and Hull SEND Banding Guidance. A decision will be made by the Local Authority whether to write an EHC plan or whether the child/young person’s needs can be met within SEN Support in the school/setting.  This decision will be made no later than Week 16.

Information on how the Local Authority reach a decision about an EHCP can be found here (opens a word document).

Last reviewed: 16/8/21