Education, Health and Care Plan: assessment

Weeks 16 - 20

A SEND Caseworker will make contact with the parent/carer or young person to inform the Local Authority decision.

Decision to prepare an EHC plan

If it has been determined that the child/young person requires an EHC plan this will be prepared in draft and sent to parents/carers or the young person, the school or setting and to all other professionals involved in providing advice for the EHC plan.

The draft EHC plan will:

  • outline the views and aspirations of the child/young person and their family;
  • identify the child/young person’s special educational need;
  • set out outcomes related to these needs and aspirations, and
  • provide detail of the special educational, health and social care provision required to meet the needs and achieve the outcomes.

Parents/carers or the young person have 15 calendar days to make comments on the draft EHC plan or request amendments.  Schools and settings also have 15 days to respond to the draft.

By week 20 the final agreed EHC plan will be issued.  This will then be reviewed annually (or earlier if appropriate) at an Annual Review Meeting of the Education, Health and Care plan, carried out by the school or setting.

Decision not to prepare an EHC plan

A SEND Caseworker will inform the parent/carer or young person of the reasons why the Local Authority has determined not to write an EHC plan.  Detail of the decision will be provided within a letter to the parent/carer or young person.

Parent/carers or the young person can request impartial information, advice and support from SENDIASS

EHC Assessment and Plan pathway timeline

Last reviewed: 16/8/21