EHC Needs Assessment Advice templates

These documents are used to gather information from those involved in supporting a learner if it is agreed to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment.

Advice from Parents or carers of a learner should be completed on the following form -

EHC Needs Assessment Advice FINAL Parents 19-04-21.docx


Advice from the learner should be completed on the following form:   

EHC Needs Assessment Advice FINAL CYP 02.08.21 (1).docx


Advice from the educational setting should be completed on the following form using the guidance provided:   

Educational Settings Advice Form FINAL 19.04.21 (1).docx 

Educational Settings Advice Form Guidance FINAL 19.04.21 pdf.pdf


Advice from wider educational professionals such as outreach services should be completed on the following form using the guidance provided:   

Educational Professionals Advice Form FINAL 10.08.21.docx

Advice from Social Care should be completed on the following form:   

Social Care Advice and Information - May 2021.docx 

Guidance for completing Social Care Advice - May 2021 (5).pdf


Advice from Health services should be completed on the following form:   

Health Advice Form TRIAL 18.08.21.docx