EHC Annual Review templates

These documents are used to support the EHC Review Process.

Parents or Carers contributions to the EHC Review can be provided on the following document:

Parent Carer Contribution to EHC Review FINAL 18.08.21.docx

A Learner’s contributions to the EHC Review can be provided on the following document:

Learner Contribution to EHC Review FINAL 04.08.21.docx

The person convening the EHC Review Meeting (usually the educational setting) will be responsible for completing the review documentation below using the guidance provided.

For Learners below Year 9:

HCC EHC Review Meeting Pre Yr 9 FINAL 14.10.21.docx

EHC Review Guidance Pre Year 9 FINAL 02.09.21.docx

For Learners in Year 9 and above:

SEND Transport Review Form 

Where a learner with an EHCP is in receipt of Local Authority Funded Transport the Transport Review Form must also be completed as part of the EHC review. A copy of this form can be found below:  

Requesting an Increase in Banding 

If an educational setting feels it is necessary to request an increase in the banding allocated to support a learning with an EHCP, settings should give due consideration to the following guidance:  

Mental Capacity Act Information Leaflet 

This information leaflet outlines how the Mental Capacity Act (2005) impacts on the decision-making responsibilities in relation to the EHC processes when a learner turns 16 years old.