Hull Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2014 – 2020 

Hull is an amazing City and its people and their communities are its greatest asset. It is a place that has a history of strong partnership working and a shared vision of what is required to improve the lives of our residents. It’s a great place to be born, live, learn, work, have a family and grow older.

Hull is a changing City. Overall people are far healthier than they were in the past, but unfortunately, even today, not everyone has the same opportunity to thrive. This is what we mean when we talk about ‘health inequalities’. In some parts of Hull people will live 10 years fewer than in other parts. This difference is closely linked to poverty, housing, educational attainment, employment and social isolation.

This strategy, to tackle health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing, has been developed by taking account of our assets, our challenges, The City Plan, Hull 2020 and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

In this strategy we acknowledge that there are some things Hull can do for itself but also that there are issues where we must use the leverage of our local, regional and national partners.

Access the strategy here.