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Jargon Buster

You may find lots of terms, abbreviations and words that you might not know what they mean when you are using this site or any other sites about special needs and disabilities.  We have made a list of the most common ones to help.  

If you come across any other words or abbreviations that you don't know, please let us know

You can find more explanations of words and phrases used when talking about SEND on the Special Needs Jungle Glossary of SEND Terms page (opens in new window)

You can also find more explanations of terms often used when talking about health and social care on the TLAP Care and Support jargon buster (opens in new window)

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

ASC - Autistic Spectrum Condition

CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services

CLA - Child Looked After

CME - Children Missing in Education

CQC - Care Quality Commission

CSE - Child Sexual Exploitation

CVA - Cerebrovascular accident

DAF - Disability Access Fund

DSA - Disabled Student Fund

DSL - Designated Safeguarding Lead

EHASH - Early Help and Safeguarding Hub

EHCP - Education, Health and Care Plan

EYSEN - Early Years Special Educational Needs

Early Years Inclusion - Providing advice, guidance, identifying SEND and help with producing My Support Plans and applying for EHCP's for early years children.

FE - Further Education

FSW - Family Support Worker

GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder

HE - Higher Education

HI - Hearing Impairment


IEP - Individual Education Plan

IMCAs - Independent Mental Capacity Advocate

IMHAs - Independent Mental Health Advocate

IW - Inclusion Worker

LA  - Local Authority


MCA - Mental Capacity Assessment

MHST - Mental Health Support Team

MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment


NCFE - National Committee of Further Education

PCA - Person Centred Approach

PD - Physical Difficulties

PDA - Pathological Demand Avoidance

PEP - Personal Education Plan

PFA - Preparing for Adulthood

Portage - Home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with SEND and their families

PPRS - Primary Pupil Referral Service

PRU - Pupil Referral Unit

Portex - Specialist teachers who work with schools to help identify SEND and deliver strategies to support early years children with SEND

PEG (feeding) - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

SALT - Speech And Language Therapy

SAPT - Specialist Adult Pathway Team

SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health

SENCo - Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service

SENDIF - Special Educational Needs & Disability Inclusion Fund

SILC - Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre

SLCN - Speech, Language & Communication Needs

SPLD - Specific Learning Difficulty

SPOC - Single Point of Contact

SPR - Single Point Of Referral

VI - Visually Impaired

YPEG - Young people's Engagement Group

Last updated: 11/18/2021