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Broadacre Primary School ASC Resource Base

Name of school:

Broadacre Primary School

Name of Provision:

Broadacre ASC Resource Base

Resource Base or SEN unit

ASC Resource Base

Age range: 

7-11 years

Number of learner spaces


Number on roll:


Designation/Pupil Profile:

The ASC is a resource-based provision is based within Broadacre Primary School. Which delivery Key Stage Education for children of primary school age who have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) and who have an identified primary area of need for our children is Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or a social, communication disorder.

We have capacity for 10 children within the provision. Children attending ASC are Key Stage 2 children and many experience complex sensory processing difficulties and social, emotional and communication difficulties as well as having ASC. Cognitively, the children are predominantly working within the Key Stage 2 curriculum, accessing a bespoke and adapted curriculum to meet their individual needs.

Local Authority Commissioned places for students are allocated by the Local Authority SEND Team.

Curriculum Offer:

The ASC is set within our mainstream school and provides specialist, blended learning opportunities, tailored to the individual needs of the child. The ASC is an integral part of Broadacre Primary School and promotes a highly inclusive environment where all children, families and staff are respected and are valued members of the school community. We work closely with parents, communicating via home school communication books, telephone calls or daily face to face contact.
We follow bespoke, personalised timetables to allow pupils to access the National Curriculum, whilst developing communication, social awareness and important life skills identified within the pupils’ EHCP.

The child’s EHCP is at the heart of all planning. Arrangements of lessons are planned to specifically meet individual needs to enable all children to reach their full potential and equip them with vital social and life skills.

Children are assigned to a class in the mainstream school, allowing them to access lessons and teaching, resources, and friendships outside of ASC. Our buddy system links children from ASC with others in their classes to make transitions smoother. Our children thrive academically, emotionally, and socially through the blended learning opportunities.

The small, purposeful built environment provides support to empower independence and self-motivation within a nurturing language and communication-rich setting. Our approaches to teaching and learning are underpinned by specialist autism strategies tailored to meet the individual learning needs and reduce barriers to learning.


Set within our mainstream school, The ASC is an integral part of Broadacre Primary School. The ASC is purpose built, including two classrooms, two group rooms, a sensory room and a self-contained playground. 

Last updated: 3/26/2024