Hull Local Offer – You said ….. We did



You told us that you would like to be involved in developing the Local Offer website

We took names and organised two initial meetings, daytime and evening, of the Local Offer Development Group on 4 February 2020.

 You told us that there was insufficient awareness of the resources available in the local area             

We created a plan to improve the local offer website, updated areas including EHCP, Transport, short breaks and early years, ran a social media campaign to promote the website, created a targeted promotion plan, starting with every child in early years settings receiving a letter and flier about the local offer.

You told us via Ofsted about the variable quality and weaknesses reviewing EHC plans.

A revised draft EHC plan pathway has been completed following feedback from parents and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs).

The EHC request for assessment documentation and process has been revised and developed in draft following information gathering from neighbouring authorities and consultation with schools and parents. The draft documentation is being trialled in the autumn 2018 and spring 2019 terms, feedback will then be sought and the documentation and process finalised.

You told Ofsted that you had a mixed experience of co-production in Hull. Some families said they had been ‘100%’ involved in the co-production of plans and provision but others that professionals and services do not listen and they feel that getting the help and support their children need is a ‘fight’.

Parents, carers and CYP have been involved in a variety of ways in the development of services in the priority areas; Local Offer, Eligibility Criteria, Short Breaks, EHCP, SEN Sufficiency, Personal Budgets, Transition Protocol, Paediatric Reviews, and Transport

Parents and carers are active members of a number of strategic groups and steering groups including the SAF Board

Additional posts of SEND Engagement and Feedback Officer and Young Persons apprentice have been developed and recruited

The SEND inspection in October 2017 identified that:

Few families knew about the resources and support for children and young people who have SEND and that the local area was not complying with the statutory requirement to publish information about personal budgets and as a result, the take-up of personal budgets in Hull was low. Parents reported that managing and reporting when they had two or more personal budgets was very complicated and time consuming.

The CCG has appointed a Personalisation lead who is working across health, social care and education for CYP, and health and social care for adults;

Personal health budget (PHB) information is available on the CCG website and is included on the Hull Local Offer website. All eligible CYP and their parents are provided with information on personal health budgets at the start of and upon review of their continuing care assessment;

Information on Personal Budgets in education is now published on the Local Offer

Feedback from schools and families alerted us to problems with the transition to adulthood process. In particular, unacceptable delays in the process of transition from children to adult services causing stress to families and relatively poor outcomes for young people with SEND in obtaining employment

We set up strategic and operational transition groups. We have set a target to increase the number of Supported Internships in the Hull area.

You told us that you had issues regarding transition      

We have produced a protocol (way of working) which sets out how the different services involved in the transition process for young people and parents/carers operate. This protocol has been co-produced with contributions from parents, and comments from young people and can be accessed here.

You told us that the Home to School transport did not meet your child’s needs  

We made some positive changes and added further information in the Transport section here

You told us that parents, children and young people were not consulted enough

We employed a new Engagement Officer to support this work.

You told us there were more changing places than we had published on the website

We researched this and added the new ones here.

You told us you wanted more photographs       

Sadly Hull College were unable to work with us, so we met with CASE and hopefully their photography students will be taking lots of photographs to make the website appealing, including photographs of local places and people.


You told us you were unhappy with some aspects of Transport to school             

A SEND Accountability Forum (SAF) workstream was dedicated to transport and many changes have been made.

You told Ofsted that you did not know about the services available in Hull for you and you families.   

We ran a promotion on Facebook and Twitter to attract more visitors to the website and social media.

You emailed asking for caravan holidays for your child and gymnastic sessions             

We sent you a link to the Holidays section of the website and the Hull Special Olympics gymnastic page.

You told Ofsted that not enough people knew about the Local Offer website             

We have identified additional resources to support with marketing and communicating the Local Offer and are developing a plan to address this.