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Bricknell Primary School ASD Resource Base

Name of school:

Bricknell Primary School

Name of Provision:

The Launch Pad

Resource Base or SEN unit

Resource Base

Age range: 

6 to 11 years

Number of learner spaces


Number on roll:


Designation/Pupil Profile:


The Launch Pad is a resource-based provision within Bricknell Primary School which delivers Key Stage Education to primary school aged children who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and who have an identified primary area of need of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or are awaiting an assessment.

We have capacity for 10 children within the provision. Most of the children attending the Launch Pad experience high levels of anxiety and rely on routines and a calm, structured environment to help them to feel safe, secure, and ready to learn.

Local Authority Commissioned places for students are allocated by the Local Authority SEND Team

Curriculum Offer:


The Launch Pad is set within Bricknell Primary School and delivers Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum, which is based around the end goals and key concepts set out in the Bricknell Primary School curriculum areas.

Our goals and concepts are adapted to meet the specific needs of the children in the base using CATS, a specific small steps assessment program which tailors the learning to cover the specific and individual learning outcomes that each individual child is working towards. Many of our children have very specific needs which are addressed specifically to give every child the same opportunities and starting points.

Depending on the specific needs of each child, they access the Read, Write, Inc phonics program or guided reading sessions. Each child will also work towards targets set within their own EHCP’s.

To help with social and emotional needs specific groups are run, such as friendship groups, life skills, fine motor, Attention Autism and Emotional Regulation sessions.

We offer a curriculum which develops crucial life, social and emotional regulation skills as well as the academic skills needed to become independent learners.

Integral to our setting is promoting opportunities for the children to access the mainstream school environment. We look at each individual child’s strengths and use these as a platform for developing blended learning opportunities. For example, where a child has a strength in art, we would look at integrating into this subject initially and building on this as appropriate to the individual.




The Launch Pad is a self-contained space situated within the main school building. Comprising two teaching rooms with partitioning doors. Each room is complemented by a break-out/sensory room and direct access to its dedicated outdoor play area featuring a shed, grassy region, and concrete section. The facility includes a meeting room, a kitchen area utilised for life skills instruction, along with its own toilet and cloakroom area.

Additionally, convenient doors lead directly to the main school playground, providing enhanced opportunities for our children in social integration during appropriate times. Additionally, we are fortunate to have a sensory corridor, accessible to children either as part of their schedule or when they require self-regulation.    

 Garden   sensory room

class room with light wood floor and furniture

Last updated: 3/26/2024