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Springboard ASD Resource Base

Name of school:

Spring Cottage Primary School

Name of Provision:


Resource Base or SEN unit

Resource Base

Age range: 

6 – 11years

Number of learner spaces


Number on roll:


Designation/Pupil Profile:

Springboard is a resource-based provision within Spring Cottage Primary School. Which delivers Key Stage Education to primary school age children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place and who have an identified primary area of need of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) or a communication and interaction disorder/need. 

We have capacity for 10 children within our provision. Most of the children attending Springboard are Key Stage two pupils.

Local Authority Commissioned places for students are allocated by the Local Authority SEND Team

Curriculum Offer:

Springboard is an integral part of our mainstream school and provides exceptional support for children with autism or communication needs.

Leaders include children, in the life of the school and children are respected and valued.  All children are assigned to a class in the mainstream school enabling blended learning, which is tailored to the needs of the child, as well as the development of friendships outside of the base.

A bespoke curriculum is offered which is based around the child’s needs and includes activities to develop life skills, communication and to promote academic success.  Children attending Springboard follow the National Curriculum with appropriate adaptations.


Springboard is based within the mainstream school, the purpose-built environment consists of two main teaching areas, a sensory room, an area for children to regulate and an outside area.  The outside area is linked to the main school playground so children can access this as required.

The environment is arranged and resourced to promote independence whilst offering a language rich environment, and opportunities to develop socially and academically. 

Staff are trained in strategies to support and nurture the pupils ensuring that barriers to learning are addressed to enable children’s access to a wide range of opportunities in a nurturing, caring environment.

Last updated: 1/15/2024