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What is resource base provision?

In response to the SEND Sufficient Strategy resource base provisions are developing - we will update the website with information as soon as we have it. Please email us localoffer@hullcc.gov.uk should you have any questions in the meantime - (12/02/2024).

The purpose of a resource base is to provide targeted educational support to children who present with special educational needs, which will enable them to make progress and achieve educational outcomes.

Resource Bases are usually attached to and are part of a mainstream school setting so that those children identified as benefitting from access to a resource base have access to a blended learning program that offers the opportunity to access a mainstream curriculum and classroom as well as targeted support. 

The mission of any resource base is to:

  • Increase access to mainstream classes over time
  • Support access to a curriculum that encourages joy, interest and curiosity and which promotes the development of communication and interaction skills
  • Supports the development of skills and strategies to manage social, emotional and mental health issues such as anxiety e.g. by use of self –regulation strategies
  • Promote participation in cognition and learning activities
  • Develop confidence emotional well-being and happiness in learning.
Last updated: 1/15/2024